Useful Documents
TextAnalyse: Computerlinguistische Werkzeuge | Text Analysis: Computational Lingustics Tools
- NLTK: Natural Language Toolkit (Python)
- The Classical Language Toolkit
- Laurence Anthony: Linguistic Software
Antconc Corpus Tool - Voyant Corpus Tools: a web-based reading and analysis environment for digital texts
- TAPOR 3 - Text Analysis Portal for Research: Research Tools for Studying Texts
- brat rapid annotation tool
- Text Analysis in R (Welbers et al.)
- Logeion Greek and Latin dictionaries
- Latin Wordnet
- TreeTagger (Latin, etc)
TreeTagger Tagset for Latin [pdf] - Collatinus: Latin lemmatiser and morphological analyser
Collatinus online version - LiLa - Linking Latin: Building a Knowledge Base of Linguistic Resources for Latin
LEMLAT 3.0: Morphological Analyser and Lemmatiser for Latin
Digitale Kartographie - Werkzeuge | Digital Cartography - Tools
Annotation Support- PELAGIOS Commons: online resources and community forum for using open data methods to link and explore historical places
- Recogito 2: Annotation tool for maps and text
- Peripleo : A search engine for places and their documents (Pelagios Commons)
Peripleo Start - Pleiades Gazetteer
- World Historical Gazetteer - try also 'Traces'
- iDAI Gazetteer (Deutsches Archäologisches Institut)
- Trismegistos Places: database of ancient and modern places
- PastPlace: a global historical gazetteer
- Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names (TGN)
Linked Open Data version of TGN - Geonames Gazetteer
- PeriodO: A gazetteer of period definitions for linking and visualizing data
- Digital Geography
- Digital Geography: Create maps online: A comparison of 6 webmap providers
- EarthWorks: Discover and download GIS data and maps
- GISCloud Map Editor
- OpenJUMP GIS - The free, cross-platform and open source GIS for the World
- Map Projections
- Old World Drought Atlas: access to summer (June-August) reconstructions of the self-calibrating Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI)
- PlaTiN: DARIAH Geobrowser
- Palladio (Stanford): Visualize historical data --- map, graph, data, gallery
- GeoJSON Mapping Tool
GeoJSON help/info - 'Well-Known Text' 3D-viewer
- Wicket - a lightweight Javascript library that reads and writes 'Well-Known Text' (WKT) strings
- MapAnalyst - Tool for the Analysis of Old Maps
- Georeferencer - Images to interactive maps
- Map Warper: Find maps and other imagery, upload, and rectify against a real map
- Leaflet - an open-source JavaScript library for mobile-friendly interactive maps
- d3-carto-map - a library for creating layer-based maps using D3
- Mapserver: Open Source platform for publishing spatial data and interactive mapping applications to the web
- MapServer Raster Data Input
- Mapbox - the location data platform for mobile and web applications
- Parse and stringify 'Well-Known Text' (coordinates) into GeoJSON
- View and manipulate GeoTIFF raster maps
- GDAL - a translator library for raster and vector geospatial data formats
Linked Data & Semantic Web
- ResearchSpace (British Museum)
- ResearchSpace Query Demo based on Fundamental Classes and Properties - ON OUR WISH LIST
- LodLive provides a demonstration of the use of Linked Data standards (RDF, SPARQL) to browse RDF resources
- LodView - in conjunction with a SPARQL endpoint, allows to publish RDF data according to all defined standards for Linked Open Data
- Topotime: A pragmatic JSON data format, D3 timeline layout, and functions for representing and computing over complex temporal phenomena - THE NEXT IMPORTANT STEP
- SPARQL Endpoints status check
- Visually Experiencing the Data Web
Programmierung | Programming
- Project Jupyter - Python JupyterLab or the classic Jupyter Notebook
- EasyRDF: RDF Tools, incl. Converter
- RDF Translator: a multiformat conversion tool for structured markup
- RDF2RDF - Converts RDF from any format to any
- RDFa Tool
- RDFa 1.1 Distiller and Parser
- Metadata Editor
- JSON Editor online
- JSON Tools
- JSON-LD Playground
- Converter JSON to RDF triples
- Jonathan - JSON encoder and decoder
- CSV on the Web Repository
- CSV data conversion (from and to CSV)
- CSV to GeoJSON Converter
- csv2rdf: Generating RDF from Tabular Data on the Web [Document] [GitHub]
- Sheet2RDF - a datasheet to RDF acquisition and transformation system
- OpenRefine- a powerful tool for working with messy data: cleaning it; transforming it from one format into another; and extending it with web services and external data
Tabellen-Werkzeuge | Tools for Tables
Guenther Goerz, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, Computer Science, AG Digital Humanities und Bibliotheca Hertziana, Max-Planck-Institut für Kunstgeschichte, Rom
Last modified: Thu Jan 14 22:10:00 CET 2020